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A Stretch Beyond Yoga

Overcome your anxiety through functional testing with tailored plans to improve your physical health & calm your nervous system.

The protocols used will reduce your anxiety, improve your cellular & metabolic health to feel better in your mind and body. 

Anxiety does not have to rule your life.

It is possible to reduce your anxiety so you have more energy and better health.

I use tools that you can simply integrate into your life. After working with me you will poop regularly, loose weight, sleep through the night, and feel in better control of your emotions.

Yoga poses
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Hi, I'm Taimi! (pronounced "tie-me")

In my early 20's I was living as a complete perfectionist. Plagued by panic attacks, sleepless nights, severe constipation, and excessive exercise. I was a high functioning anxious person who did not believe in rest, recovery, or relaxation while trying to prove that I was "good enough." Instead of spinning in my never ending symptoms, I put all my energy into getting to the root cause to improve my mental and physical health. You no longer have to struggle with panic attacks, sleepless nights, the inability to poop, and just accepting sub-optimal health. 



Revamp your health with the Aligned Program. Anxiety can drive mental & physical symptoms that negatively impact all aspects of your life. That does not have to be true for you. When we work together, I show you how your gut, your minerals, your hormones, and the inability to manage stress affects how you feel. Imagine feeling leaner, more energetic, & confident in your body and in your mind.


DUTCH TEST: The most comprehensive sex hormone test. This test will reveal how you metabolize hormones & how your adrenals function. Balanced hormones give you a stable mood, reduce sugar cravings, & more pleasurable sex. 


HAIR TISSUE MINERAL ANALYSIS~HTMA: Addressing mineral imbalances gets to the root of symptoms since minerals are key components to health. Stronger cellular health translates into more efficient

bodily systems. Meaning, you have more energy, better nights sleep,

improved digestion, & weight loss.  



Food sensitivities drive your bloating, constipation, & chronic disease. While stool tests uncover how parasites, bacteria, & yeast could be making you sick and tired. Both tests improve your gut-brain axis which will enhance how your gut works and how you manage your feelings.



This 3000-year-old practice can take you from feeling stressed-out to calm & relaxed in less than an hour. With over 500 hours of yoga training ranging from therapeutic to power, I can help you reduce your back pain due to long hours of sitting and improve your mood so you can make better use of time management. Sessions are designed to be taught at the office to reduce burn-out or in the privacy of your own home to increase flexibility and build strength. 

What my clients say...

Zooming Yoga with Taimi has been the best thing I’ve done for myself since the beginning of COVID. Regardless of your age or experience (or lack of) with yoga, Taimi’s excellent cueing and modifications make it both safe and effective. I have never consistently done yoga, but since starting with Taimi these last few months – I’m hooked! It has helped with flexibility and balance and I feel I work every part of my body – safely. You get an excellent yoga class in the privacy of your own home.

Nina V.

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